Friday, January 31, 2020

Police System In Japan Essay Example for Free

Police System In Japan Essay In Japan, police system generally enjoy wide community support and respect. The system, so called keisatsu seido consists of approximately 220,000 police officers who are organized into prefectural forces coordinated and partially controlled by the National Police Agency in Tokyo. Concerning the historical development, during the Edo period we are talking about the years 1600 1868 here, the Tokugawa Shogunate ( the form of those days governing the country ) developed elaborate police system based on town magistrates who held samurai status and served as chiefs of police, prosecutors and criminal judges. The system was extended by citizens  ´s groups such as five-family associations ( gonin gumi ) . These groups were composed of neighbours, collectively liable to the government for the activities of their membership. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the main change in the whole Japanese history, the Home Ministry was established in 1873. With jurisdiction over the Police Bureau, it effectively controlled the police. This new, centralized police system had wide-ranging responsibilities, includng the authority to issue ordinances and handle quasi-judicial functions. It also regulated public health, factories, constructions, businesses and issued permits, licenses and orders. In 1911 the Special Higher Police was established to help control proscribed political activities. Later in 1928 it was strengthened with the introduction of the Peace Preservation Law. When the Sino-Japanese War began in 1937, the police were given the added responsibilities of regulating business activities for the war efforts, mobilizing labour and controlling transportatioon. Also regulation of publications, motion pictures, political meetings, and election campaigns came under police direction. After World War II, Japan as a defeated country was under strong pressure and influence mainly from the U.S., on all branches of life, including the police system. The National Diet the highest organ of state power was required to enact a new Police Law. This 1947 law abolished the previous  Home Ministry. It decentralized the system by establishing about 1,600 independent municipal police forces in all cities and towns with population of over 5,000 smaller communities. These were served by the newly created National Rural Police. General contol of the police was supposed to be ensured by the establishment of civilian public safety commissions. As to present structure, today the Japanese police system is based on prefectural units that are autonomous in daily operations yet are linked nationalwide under the National Police Agency. Prefectural police headquarters, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, control everyday police operations in each prefecture. In effect, the prefectures pay for the patrol man on the beat, traffic control over domestic security units, which are funded by the national government, as are the salaries of senior national and prefectural police officials. Prefectures are divided into districts, each with its own police station under direct control of prefectural police headquarters. There are about 1,250 of these police stations nationwide. Districts are further subdivided into jurisdictions of urban police boxes ( koban ) and rural residential police boxes ( chuzaisho). The mainstay of the Japanese police system is the uniformed patrol officer (omawari san ). The patrol officers supply the police boxes and patrol cars and comprised 40 percent of al incidents and crimes and then move them to the specialized units for further investigation. The sphere of police resposibilities remains broad. Besides solving ordinary crimes, criminal investigators establish the causes of fires and industrial accidents. Crime prevention police hold added responsibility for juveniles, businesses and the enforcement of special laws regulating gun and sword ownership, drugs, smuggling, prostitution, pornography and industrial pollution. Public safety commissions usually defer to police decisions. Police contact with the community is extended by the requirement that koban based police visit every home in their jurisdiction to gather information,  pass on suggestions regarding crime prevention and hear complaints. Neighbourhood crime prevention and traffic safety associations provide another link between police and community, further promoting extensive public involvement in law and order.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Created and Existent Gods in Homer’s Iliad Essay -- Greek, Classic

The ancient Greeks used the gods to explain the extraordinary and unusual events of the world around them. The ancient Greek world accepted these gods as anthropomorphic representations of natural forces and phenomena. Moreover, some gods were seen as actual people whose supernatural abilities gave them control over these natural forces. Homer’s Iliad is a prime example of these two different interpretations of the gods. In this epic, Homer anthropomorphizes some phenomena, thus creating deities in order to explain some of the events of the Trojan War. These created gods are abstract and represent only the single phenomenon that Homer attributes to them. The Olympian gods, on the other hand, are existent deities whose actions go beyond the phenomena attributed to them by the Greeks. Homer, therefore, uses the Olympians to explain numerous phenomena. In Homer’s Iliad, the goddess Strife appears only at times of war. In book 11, Homer says, â€Å"Strife took her stand, raising her high-pitched cry,/ great and terrible, lashing the fighting-fury/ in each Achaean's heart-no stopping them now† (Homer 11.11-13). Strife appears here as a motivator for the Achaean army to continue fighting. Again we see her â€Å"[hurl] down the leveler Hate amidst both sides,/ wading into the onslaught, flooding men with pain† during the battle (Homer, 4.515-516). There are moments, however, when Homer does not anthropomorphize Strife, and plainly uses the word strife, such as when Zeus reprimands Ares: â€Å"Always dear to your heart,/ strife, yes, and battles, the bloody grind of war† (Homer 5.1031-1032). In this instance, Homer does not attribute any human characteristics to Strife, indicating that she is a created deity and not an existent one like the Olympians. ... ...ey were immortal beings in human form with human emotions that affect their actions. It is clear that Homer divides the gods into the created abstract gods, and the existent Olympian gods. The function of one group of gods differs from that of the other. Whereas the abstract gods are present in the Iliad in order to explain the natural forces that are attributed to them, the Olympian gods are characters that represent and explain a whole lot more. Rather than explain only the natural forces attributed to them, these gods also explain the unnatural and more magical occurrences of the war. The Olympian gods are not anthropomorphized concepts that the other gods and warriors can take advantage of. Instead, the Olympians are anthropomorphized beings who are capable of doing much more than the forces attributed to them and whose emotions often affect these actions.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Global Food Prices

Why Did Global Food Prices Rise? 1. Farmers in the United States and in Europe benefit from government policies to promote the production of ethanol because they receive government subsidies to produce crops that can be turned into biofuels and it gives the farmers an incentive to plant crops such as corn and soybeans. However, this policy harms foreign producers of these foreign crops. Since U. S. nd European farmers have subsidies, they have lower costs than the foreign farmers and the foreign farmers may struggle to compete. The high tariffs on imported sugar cane in the United States and Europe benefit the American and European farmers of corn and soybeans because since the price of sugar cane is higher, sugar cane farmers cannot compete with the other farmers. These farmers who produce crops such as soybeans and corn used to create biofuel benefit because the cost of producing these crops is lower than sugar.Thus, the American and European farmers of corn and soybeans benefit, w hile farmers of sugar cane, such as Brazilian farmers, are harmed because they cannot compete in the American and European market for biofuel because their prices are higher due to the tariffs. The environment is also harmed because the biofuel made out of sugar cane burns cleaner than ethanol made of corn or soybeans. 2. With the risk of the food supply in poorer nations being dramatically reduced, leading to malnourishment and starvation, rich countries should assist in preventing this phenomenon from happening.Rich countries could help lower the food prices by not giving subsidies to farmers who produce crops that are used to produce biofuels. Since the subsidy gives farmers incentives to farm crops such as corn and soybeans, it takes away resources and land to produce other crops used primarily for consumption. If countries stop giving subsidies for crops used to produce ethanol, more energy and resources can therefore be used to farm crops used primarily for food, such as wheat .If more food crops are produced, the price will go down for these crops due to the theory of supply and demand, since there will be more food for consumption. By eliminating subsidies on crops such as soybeans and corn, wealthier nations can help increase the food supply, which will benefit poorer nations. 3. In terms of creating a healthier environment, the governments should continue to distribute subsidies to farmers of crops used to create ethanol because it will expedite the transition from gasoline to ethanol, thus creating cleaner energy sources faster.However, from a free trade standpoint, the subsidies give foreign producers of similar or substitute crops to be at a disadvantage because the subsidies favor domestic farmers through decreasing costs. I think the best policy to implement to lower CO2 emissions without further inhibiting trade would be to keep the subsidies at the level they currently are at because cleaning up the environment is a serious and important concer n, but it should not be done if it causes significant harm to free trade and market systems.

Monday, January 6, 2020

T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land †Can We Learn From the Past...

T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land – Can We Learn From the Past ? And he is not likely to know what is To be done unless he lives in what is not merely the present, but the present moment of the past, unless he is conscious, not of what is dead, but what is already living. --T.S. Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent When read for the first time, The Waste Land appears to be a concoction of sorts, a disjointed poem. Lines are written in different languages, narrators change, and the scenes seem disconnected, except for the repeated references to the desert and death. When read over again, however, the pieces become coherent. The Waste Land is categorized as a poem, but exhibited visually, it appears to be a literary†¦show more content†¦The Waste Land is broken up into five parts, each with its own subtitle. In each of these parts, Eliot tells the stories of many different lives while also incorporating poetry lines and song lyrics from other cultures. These lines often translate into something depressing, tying into Eliots themes of death and emptiness. An example is the epigraph of this poem, taken from Virgils Aeneid, about a conversation between some boys and Sybil at Cumae. The boys ask her what she wants, and she replies, I want to die. Sybil is suspended in a jar, and Eliot uses t his image to represent the human race. The epigraph sets for the tone for the rest of the poem of hopelessness and the condition of human moral desolation. The human race is also hanging suspended in a jar, undergoing a similar fate. Yet humanity is blind to its imprisonment, reliving the same experiences, unable to leave the jar, unable to die. Eliot composed this poem, focusing on females and their passive reaction to violence, to bring the human race into full awareness of its jar-like imprisonment. These women, taken from different cultures and times, are all victims of sexual abuse. But rather than fighting and demanding justice, they ignore the abuse and accept their situation. It is easier to forget the pain than to confront it, because when facing pain, one must relive the experience that causes the pain. But to ignore pain is to deny life, for one is suppressing feeling, theShow MoreRelatedT.S. Eliot s The Fire Sermon - a Poem Analysis Focusing on the Elements of Nature5145 Words   |  21 PagesT.S. Eliot The Fire Sermon An analysis of the poem focusing on the elements of nature Joachim TRAUN 0004165 301/341 It is just a piece of rhythmical grumbling (T.S. Eliot on The Waste Land) Table of contents page 1. Introduction 4 2. T.S. Eliot- a brief biography 4 3. The fire sermon 5 3.1 Structure 6 3.2 Intertextuality 6 3.3 Interpretation 8 3.3.1 Water 8 3.3.2 City 11 3.3.3 Fusion 13 4. Conclusion 14 Bibliography 1. Introduction There are not many poemsRead MoreModernist Elements in the Hollow Men7051 Words   |  29 PagesA WHIMPER T.S.Eliot, The Hollow Men (95-98). The end of The Hollow Men can only be the beginning of a deep and long reflection for thoughtful readers. T.S. Eliot, who always believed that in his end is his beginning, died and left his verse full of hidden messages to be understood, and codes to be deciphered. It is this complexity, which is at the heart of modernism as a literary movement, that makes of Eliot’s poetry very typically modernist. As Ezra Pound once famously stated, Eliot trulyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Harold Pinter s The Room 9709 Words   |  39 Pagesgeneration dramatists, Harold Pinter’s fame rests on not only his popular dramas but also on his political activism which is rooted in his concern for people and their condition in realms which can be termed as social, professional or political. In fact it can be said that many of his works starting from the early comedies of menace to the later overtly political plays run parallel to his political activism in the delineation of abuse of p ower in familial, social and political sphere and its somatic